Projects & Exchanges

Oikosnet Europe cooperate with a number of partners in conferences, exchange programs and projects. Please get in contact with our Executive Secretary Heinz-Joachim Lohmann  if you want further information.

Projects and Exchanges

Members of Oikosnet Europe, sometimes under the umbrella of Oikosnet itself or with the lead of one of its members engage in common projects. At the Annual Assembly in Prague, members of Oikosnet Europe were invited to indicate their priority themes and their wishes for staff exchanges.

Presentation of priority themes and wishes for exchange

This is an initiative to foster cooperation in-between members. The hope is that this way thematic working or discussion groups will be established across Europe and mutually enrich perspectives and programmes. It is also hoped, that staff exchanges will contribute to further sharing each other’s richness, experience and expertise.


CEC – Conference of European Churches

Letter from CEC to member organisations
Strategic plan 2019 – 2023