The Board

Walter Lüssi, President
Walter Lüssi is President of the Plusbildung, ökumenische Bildunglandschaft in Switzerland and was elected as President at the Annual Conference of Oikosnet Europe 2017.

Alf Linderman, former director of Sigtuna Foundation.

Katerina Karkala – Zorba, Vice President
Katerina Karkala is Study leader at the Director of the Orthodox Academy of Crete. She was elected as a member of the board at the Annual Conference of Oikosnet Europe 2020.

Kjell Riise
Kjell Riise, representing the Norweigian Church Academies, was elected as a new member of the board at the General Assembly of Oikosnet Europe 2021. Kjell is a retired parish priest in Tromsø in Norway and former President of the Board of the Norwegian Church Academies. 

Statements from the Board 

March 2017 For a Europe in Conviviality

November 2015 Statement Oikosnet