Preconference Gender & Justice


Escape, Migration, Gender, Prague 5 – 7 September 2016

Women and children currently account for two thirds of those crossing to Europe. In February 2016, they made up nearly 60 per cent of sea arrivals, compared to 27 per cent in September 2015. The social significance of forced migration increases enormously. Gender is still a neglected dimension. Women, girls and boys are traumatized by persecution, rape, torture and escape. They are exposed to it in their homes, on the run and in the host country. Special distress and sexual violence make it necessary that their needs are looked after. It is said that around 10.000 children have vanished on their way. What happened to them?

Gender-related persecution and persecution based on sexual orientation or gender identity are indeed grounds for asylum, but in practice it will be accommodated into account only in rare cases.

  • We want to know: how social work with refugees is structured in the Czech Republic and the other (EU-)
  • What about the gender dimension in the refugee work?
  • What point of view should Christian take in the discussions?

In the seminar scientific analyzes on gender, human rights and refugees are discussed and combined with inputs and an exchange of our own experience and visits.

Welcome to Prague and the annual Conference of the Gender and Justice Network of Oikosnet Europe

Nicole Richter, Villigst

Practical Information

The registration for the Gender and Justice Network is done online. Deadline for registration is the 10th of August 2016. Link for registration

Arrivals and departures

The closest Airports to the venue is, of course, Prague. As Prague is well to be reached by train from many European regions, participants in  are encouraged to consider arriving by train. Travel instructions from the train station as well as from the airport will be provided in due time.

The conference fee remains at the level of previous years:  130€ for the Pre-Conference of the Gender and Justice Network. Including Board, Lodging and  Conference Fee.


Monday, 5 September 2016
17.00    Arrival and registration
18.00    Dinner
19.30    Oikosnet Come together evening and thematic exchange
21.00    Reflection

Tuesday, 6 September 2016
08.00 Breakfast
09.30 Gender equality in a wider Europe – Visions for refugee work in the Czech Republic and elsewhere: Prof. Hana Havelková, Charles University, Prague Faculty of Humanities
11.00 Break
11.30 Refugees in Europe – and Gender and Justice: Dr. Vigdis Vevstad, UNHCR, University of Oslo, Odysseus Network for Legal Studies on Immigration and Asylum in Europe etc.
13.15 Lunch
15.00 Visiting a church or public project that deals with work for Refugees (for instance Amnesty International)
16.00 Cake & Coffee and Break
18.00 Dinner
19.30 Politics for Refugees and the Churche: Univ.-Prof. DDr. Hans Schelkshorn, stv. Institutsvorstand, Institut für christliche Philosophie der Universität Wien
21.00 Reflection
21.30 Time to talk

Wednesday 07.09.2016
08.00 Breakfast
09.00 Devotion
09.30 Pool of Ideas: Sharing of experiences and ideas for projects with Refugees and their concerns by the participants
11.00 Appointments for the network
13.00 Lunch
14.00 Arrival of the delegates of the Oikosnet General Assembly



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